Social Centric Initiatives
Be better than history

Seekers of World Betterment (Collaborators + Healers + Organizers) = Protagonists!
Social Centric Initiatives, SCi (said as "sky"), is a Phoenix AZ based non-profit and learning community. With community events, professional / workforce development, workshop intensives, and research we train anyone to be healers of historical trauma. When more people understand implicit bias and the intersections of race with all identities, they enhance capacities to share power: in relationships, within families, among friends or coworkers, in places of worship, on teams, in industry or institutions, and society overall. We believe holistic progress that doesn’t hurt the ecosphere and serves all Earth’s peoples is possible. Please work with us to be better than history!

Develop healers of historical trauma around race in all identities, class, religion, gender, and environmental disruption to help peoples live better together.
What a journey "to" and "with" Social Centric Initiatives looks like...
Now: Protagonist serve and
share learning with the SCi community.
A SCi learning community of Protagonists witness measurable transformations of individuals, communities, and institutions with regards to healing historical traumas. This learning is investigated and made accessible, in relevant meaningful ways, for all communities and demographics to use in their approaches for the betterment of society.
"Social Centric helps us rediscover our own power and agency in reconciling, affirming, and restoring our collective humanity."
-SCi Protagonist, Warren Taylor / School Advocate,
Equity & ELD Specialist for Minnesota Dept. of Education