Social Centric Initiatives
Be better than history
"SCi supports school systems seeking to build capacity in leadership teams to provide equitable environments for students, families, and educators (certified and classified). The lens of social justice is always focused on the work SCi provides to educators."
-SCi Protagonist, Dr Margaret Santa Cruz / Assistant Director Teacher Induction, Retention & Mentoring, Fine Arts, Health & Wellness, & Social Studies at Cartwright Elementary School District

Develop Our Capacities to Investigate Truth
One-on-one or small group dialogues can be transformative. SCi Proclamations are where our coaches gracefully meet people "where they are" to draw out perceptions, as well as their latent strengths for achieving diversity or justice related goals. If you are charged with administrative responsibilities, needing to create an experience (event, keynote presentation, training, etc.), long term plan, or maybe you're struggling with confronting your own implicit bias and hurtful mindset; SCi Proclamations can launch greatness with our Coaches as your best co-pilots. SCi Coaches accompany and sponsor people in the sobering justice journey of Proclamations by creating a non-judgemental, yet discerning relationship for disclosure of struggles, confidential conversations, and ideas for developing more effective habits of justice for all. We don't try to seal long contracts or create dependency. A SCi Coach strives to put themselves out of a job, because you will be equipped, ready, and tell others who helped you get that way.